Sunday, May 29, 2005

Laserforce this Friday, June 3rd

Well Friday night was a screaming success. We all had a great time with some wild games, and enjoyed the company of Jono. If anyone would like to email Jono in Ukraine (not THE Ukraine) just talk to Mike. Anyway, we have Laserforce this Friday (June 3rd). Remember, we are LEAVING AT 7PM, and it is $15 if you are under 15, and $17 if you are over 15. As it says in the fat, you need to be dropped off at the church at 7pm and picked up there at 10pm.
Those of you who are coming (you need to have told mike you were going on friday) cyas all then!

Who liked Friday last night? Who liked Jono?
Place your comments now!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Friday June 27th- games night, one80 style.

As well as getting into some awsome games, as a group we will be deciding what to buy with our tear money for some people in developing countries. If you wana check out our options, go to and click on "Gift Catalogue" on the left side of the screen. Also, if you plan on coming to Laserforce next week (Friday June 3rd) we MUST know by tonight so we can book in and organise transport.

This Friday is gunna go off. Not only is there top games but we will finally be able to spend the tear money we have been raising. Also, we have this great guy named Jono comin along who is alotta fun. Jono is a missionary in the Ukraine, and is in Brisbane for the weekend, so he's droppin in for the night. One of the funniest, craziest guys you will ever meet, guaranteed.
Hope to see yas all there.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

No one80 this Friday the 20th of may

sorry guys, no one80 this week. Maybe you could visit another youth group, see a movie, play some playstation, watch the footy, or go drop bear hunting (the best place to start is good ol karrawatha forest). Anyway, cyas all on the 27th for a good ol games night. cyas soon, and stay tune for posts shortly.

Jam night was a great success

well the jam night on friday night was a great success, thanks to everyone who bought instruments and gear, and for a great night jammin. I do hope all you un-musical people had a great night also.
I know I can't wait for the next jam night. If anyone wants to jam any other time, I know I'd love to join in, as would Bj and afew of the other guys and girls.

Who would like to see another jam night? Post your comments NOW!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Operation Lunar Fungus

Well what a day we had in Karawatha Forest! Operation Lunar Fungas was by far, one of the very best commando games we have ever had! Everyone had a ripper of a day. Bruises were shared by all, some worst then others, but I'm sure you'lll agree it was an excellent day. Big thankyou goes out to Mike for organising yet another great game, the leaders for their input, and to Gordon for comin along and helping out for the day.
Tell us what you thought of commando games by posting your comments here. We want opinions, ideas, and of course we want your stories from Operation Lunar Fungas, so get typing people!

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