How are your holidays faring? Mine have been pretty boring so far; I've had nothing to do. One of my friends who doesnt go to One80 is really unreliable when it comes to making plans via the phone: it'd help if they picked up or at least messaged back. Anyway, I've decided to post up some cool holiday things for you to do. Check 'em out!!!
- Visit This site is chock full of hilarious and entertaining cartoons, set in the land of Strongbadia. I recommend checking out the characters page, followed by the Sbemail page (start at the bottom!). There is so much to see here, but it's always gonna be funny. If you want some more suggestions on things to check out, ask The Supertiph or Sara The Bogantastic Loserface (as she calls herself these days).
- Brainstorm cool things that could be implemented at One80 on friday nights, and post 'em up here! The leaders would love any suggestions to enhance the coolness factor of tribal warfare, infiltration and other such classic games.
- Sign up at blogspot ( and join the jeke community! Well-known One80-ers with jekes (my word for blog) are Sara, Charnstar, Tiph, Me, Amynta & George, Harry...and many others. Just make sure updates are regular, or you'll be in for the update song.
- Prank call...somebody. Not me. Ryan if you want, but not me.
- Pop in and see The Supertiph at work one day. Colorado at Garden City is the place to go. And if you wanna see me fixing up the Barbie aisle at work, ask me when I'm working and i'll tell you when you can pop on in. Oh, and we're sold out of foam dart shotguns, but still have plenty of other, less-cool dart guns.
- Reminisce on this site about the coolest One80 related thing that happened to you last term. Or the funniest story about something happening at school! Let us into the wacky lives of you guys.
- Something else which I forgot but thought was pretty witty.
So there ya's have it. I did something on the site. Now enjoy it, Mr Ryyarn gets back in a couple of days, and may just write up a new post, so savour this one while it's number one. Have a good one kids, God bless you all and stay safe on your holidays.