Thursday, January 25, 2007

Get Your Hands On The Fat

You've all been so very patient. Waiting and waiting all holidays long . Well kiddies, hold onto your seats! Here it is! So, print 'em off. Stick one on your fridge and another in your room.
Pray and ask God which friends He wants you to invite and what events would be best to invite them to. Pray that God would work in the lives of your friends so that they will chose to trust in Jesus and make Him #1 in their life.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Take a Break from the Boredom

Hey you crazy, zany, hopefully not too bored kids out in One80 land. Vick and I are back from our journey south and we'd love the opportunity to catch up and hang out and hear how you're doing. So, we're inviting you to a huge, holiday...


Date: Thursday 18th January, 2007
Time: 5pm-9pm
Venue: The Lerchy Lair (Kaleb and Dylan Lerch's house) 43 Lamona Circuit, Sunnybank Hills.
Stuff: Bring togs, towel and whatever else a pizza and pool party would call for.
Cost: $5 to cover pizza and please bring either a bottle of drink OR packet of chips or other munchable food stuffs to share.
Invite: Everyone and anyone. If you know of One80 students who don't check the website, call them, message them, do whatever you need to do to let them know that this is on. We don't want anyone to miss out. This will be an excellent event to invite your friends to and introduce them to teh One80 community before the school year even starts. Year 12s from '06 are also invited. (we'll admit it...we love them...we can't get enough of them!)
RSVP: No need to RSVP, just show up with a smile on your face and a present for me (nah, you don't need to bring a present...but you can if you, now I'm sounding like I really do want you to bring one...well, I won't say that I don't because who doesn't like presents...just forget I said anything...not anything , just the stuff about the presents...mmmmmmmmmmmm....presents...maybe I should just delete this...) If you have any questions give me a call on 3273 1385.

Hope to see you on Thursday.


build reach grow connect empower

Monday, January 08, 2007

Where Frullet has been

Ello Ello Ello all

Where o where has the Frullet been, He has been far not wide but far. I the frullet have been in Tasmania.

Yes i have gone far away from Australia, what am i doing in Tasmania you ask.

The holiday has been long yet it has only been a few days, i have done so much yet not enough. I have been to old places new places and places that are in the middle.

I am staying in a unit At this Current time and 2 days ago i went to this old convict settlement that had all old buildings. and then i went on a Ghost tour. SPOOKY

Well then i went on this bridge that was 35 meters above the ground in a forest twas awsum

Well i must go people.

If there are any ideas for what cud be done these holidays as a one80 group comment them here and Ryan and Sean can hit mike with them as well if there good

Saturday, January 06, 2007

These need no title, and no introduction...

Here's some pictures to brighten up the holiday "gloom"

Basically, Sean and I got bored, so here's how we're helping other in the same position. Take care, don't talk to too many strangers, and we'll keep you posted on any upcoming holiday events (we'll hit Mike...I mean, hit Mike up with some ideas we got for holiday events, when he gets back)

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