This Friday is a rather recent one80 Winter tradition, but is fast becoming a favourite, it's the bonfire night at Carl's house.
We'll be spending the evening hanging out around the fire, passing the lollies around, toasting marshmallows, and making dough boys, last year's big hit. We'll also be able to have fun this year with some other activities around the fire, under careful supervision of course.
We'll be meeting at 6.45pm at VACC, and travelling in leader's cars to Carl's house in Prangley St, Bahrs Scrub (the address is on the fat if your parents want to know where it is, or if you wanna google-earth-it).
After we're finished there, we'll travel back to VACC in the same cars, in time for you all to be picked up at 10.30pm.
Cyas there!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please no firecrackers, flares, alcohol or smokes, or anything dangerous. Anything like this you bring will be confiscated, or thrown into the dam at Carl's.