Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Slime Night

Yummy Yummy Slime all over everyone!!!!  Dress in some daggy clothes, bring a towel and bring shoes that can get slimed * The Ants in the lawn become furious on slime nights * , thongs or gummy boot, or old sneakers.

Cost: $2 to cover some of the slime

Bring your friends!

Build . Reach . Grow . Connect . Empower

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stradie Camp

This weekend 20-22nd November is CAMP!  If you haven't got your forms in, its to late!  For those who have get ready for a fun weekend in the sun. 
The weather forcast is looking great.
Saturday Fine. Min 22 Max 33
Sunday Fine. Min 21 Max 32
Option B people, which is mostly everyone! We are meeting at church at 6pm sharp.  Make sure you have dinner before you come, or bring it with you to have in the car/barge.
Dont forget to pack your toothbrush!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Simulation Night

Tonight we will be experiencing what life is like in another country, bring your teamwork skills and some patients!  Bring your friends for a fun and informative time!
No cost.  Canteen will be on.
7.30pm -10pm at VACC

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Games Night & FNL

This Friday night is a Games/Chill night with Friday Night Live and Small Groups!

7.30pm - 10pm (ignore the fat which says 10am! LOL)

No Cost for tonight but Canteen will be on as always!

Bring your mates for a good night of fun and games.

Build . Reach . Grow . Connect . Empower

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