evening all!
howsit goin out there guys? had a good week? what did you all do last friday without ONE80 to amuse you? never fear my friends, ONE80 is back this week, and theres much to be excited about! lemme see...where to start...
its-a TRIBAL WARFARE!!! Tharsos vs. Dunamis once more, and its gonna be big! Dunamis, youve been plowing ahead with great success, but do not underestimate Tharsos, we may have awakened a sleeping giant. lets all get in there and have a great night with lots of memories to come home with. following the warfare is FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE! what has the leadership team got for you this week? only time will tell...maybe you will take part in the show?
It will cost a grand total of $0 (yay! free stuff rules!), and canteen will be on for your sugar fix. the Tear Tin will be open for donations, and stickers will be selling!
Normal time, 7.30-10pm.
catch youse all there!
ps. dont forget to scroll down and comment on mike's two recent posts! there is much to be learned and pondered...God is a part of this website, much like he is a part of ONE80!