Big news One80 fanatics. Two new tribe names have just been born. All they need now is the people.
"What are these new names?", you ask. I'm going to tell you!
However, I will let you know that they both begin with the letter "I". That's the letter "I" or "i" or eye (?!). Why don't you leave a comment and share your theories on what you think the 2 new names are. Sounds like fun to me!
At the same time, I am going to run an exclusively online competition to name the new Tribal Warfare trophy. You know, the big fat green frog that's wearing a crown and holding a sceptre and that has 2006 Term 1 - Tharsos written across his or her belly. (I'll try to get a photo up in the next few days.)
You may submit a maximum of 2, that's two, not three, not four, not five, not anymore, just 2 suggestions for the trophy name. Halfway through term 2, I will make a short list of the top 5 and then )ne80 will vote. The winning entry will have the glory of naming the trophy, plus they will win a One80 trucker cap all of their own.
Enjoy your easter guys.
Know Jesus and make Him known