Friday October 22nd
Tonight there is no normal One80. Instead, we’re setting up for tomorrow night’s…Bush Dance! Please come along if you’re free tonight to help us set up for tomorrow night, it will be a fun, hang out kinda set up (and if you help set up I’m pretty certain you get a discount on your ticket for the bush dance)
Don't you just love those funny dancing men in the pic? hehehe
Saturday October 23rd
Tonight One80 is running a bush dance and BBQ for the rest of Village Avenue Community Church and the local community. We’ll be setting up the night, preparing food, cooking, serving food, parking cars, cleaning and packing up…everything! And we need all the help we can get, which includes you! It won’t be all hard work though, you’re welcome to enjoy the meal and the dancing too! (but you don’t have to dance, it’s ok)
Tickets for the night are $15, and all of the profits of the night are going to One80’s Uganda Project. Tickets must be purchased from Vicki, Cassie or Lesley by Monday October 18th. If you help out with the night, you’re ticket will only be $10, which is pretty good for a feed and a fun night out.