All you have to do is take a good long look at our header, and guess how many different objects make up the O-N-E-8-0 in our header. To enter, submit your answer go to the one80 facebook page and submit your answer under the Competition heading. The person who submits the closest guess is the winner.
Second prize is a Superball, the greatest bouncey ball known to man.
The competition closes 10pm Thursday the 10th of February, and the winners will be announced at the one80 Nerf night on Friday the 11th of February.
The competition closes 10pm Thursday the 10th of February, and the winners will be announced at the one80 Nerf night on Friday the 11th of February.
- Entry is only open to current one80 students and leaders.
- A maximum of 2 entries per person.
- In the event that two participants enter the same number, the first entry will only be accepted. The second entry will be deemed invalid and the entrant will be notified.
- In the event that your entry is deemed invalid, an entrant may submit a new entry.