Well, Tribal Warfare for term 1, 2006, is over. The winner? Tharsos.
Well done Tharsos, your performance the last two battles was comendable, and so the trophy goes to team Tharsos.If there is any one80 events in the holidays, they will all be listed on this site, we aren't ringing people, there's far too many students, so keep checking this site every second or third day, depends on how enthusiastic you are.Have a fabulous Easter everyone, and we'll see you after the holidays eh.
If anyone is interested in coming to the Good Friday and Easter Sunday church services at VACC, you are most welcome, bring your family along and share together the true meaning of Easter. I will post details as soon as I get them.
Also AGMF is on in Toowoomba. If your interested in goin to a sweet music festival, click on the image or go to www.agmf.com.au to find out more about whos playing. If you wanna go up for a day, but your family don't, email or ring me or Tiph and we might be able to help you.
Remember, choocolate is good, but it's not the real meaning behind Easter. Enjoy your holidays guys, and keep on checkin back here from time to time. Comment away if you get bored.