Saturday, July 29, 2006
August Goes off with a BANG!
You think Saturday is gunna be good?
Well, it's gunna be nothin' on FRIDAY NIGHT!
Yes, it only comes once a year...Infiltration!
It's all about stealth, strategy, teamwork and courage.
Tonight you get to run around in the dark, getting scared half to death, steal some loot, and WIN!
Come ready to run, jump, crawl, sneak and scream, as you creep around the church in search of treasure...or's cool, so just come along!
7.30-10pm at VACC, it's free and canteen will be on.
Proof it's good, you ask?
Our highest recrd attendances are always for Infiltration
The weekend is packed!
Roll up at the end of Elizabeth Street Woodridge ready for an intense, always fun commando games. As the flyer says, bring camo gear or clothes that will help you blend in (greens and browns are best). Bring all the food you need for the day and lots of water. Boots or sturdy shoes are essential.
You should bring it all in a bag that is also comfortable, as well as practicle (except the clothes, you wear them)
There are clothes for you to borrow, but it's first in first served. If you plan on borrowing pants you need to bring a belt and safety pins.
The playing area is afew hundred metres walk from the where we get dropped off, but not far. We do have first aid kits, but if you need medication BRING IT and keep it safe.
EG: asthma puffers, insulin and other prescribed medication.
Church youth service is on 6pm till about 7.30, and it's a great chance to catch up, enjoy some great music and learn more form God's word.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Youth Alive Update
Let's see how many time Frullet and Ben have to be talked to by security this time!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 gotta luv it!
If you had friends along for the first time on Friday night, we would love to see them again this Friday at Tribal Warfare (imagine 29 students on each side..yeah!) so invite them, encourage them, bribe them but most importantly pray for them! We would love to see your friends part of the One80 community and to see them turn to Jesus and know what it is to be a friend of God!
Love you guys
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Red Faces Program
Here is the program for Red Faces on Friday:
Click on the image to enlarge it. If you cn't open it, call or email me.
If I've left you off or got the details wrong, please let me know quick smart on 0422818059, because if I don't know I can't fix it. By Thursday night would be preffered.
The program will start at 8.15, but the overall time may go longer or shorter. This is just to give you an idea of where your act will be if you're performing.
If your performing it'd be great if you could be there at 7pm so we can do sound tests and such
Monday, July 17, 2006
Ever wished you could hang around at one80 all night?!
Well, for one night a year, you can!
(afew years ago we had two, and the second was at my house...ah, good times...but don't ask about tha it happening this year though cos I dunno nothin...NO MORE QUESTIONS!)
Oh yeah, the "sleepout" is on this Friday. Personally, i like Harry's new name for it- the Stayover!
It's gunn be sweet!
Red Faces is on early in the night, and I can tell you, it is an excellent lineup of acts!
Yes there is other stuff throughout the night- movies on the big screen, ps2 and xbox, funny clips, food, friends, music- and they're running all night!
I can't confirm the movies yet, but Mike will give me the full details soon hopefully.
Anway, cyas on Friday!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Faces Of Red And Shows Of Talent
It's the Ponyboy here, bringing you a quick update and notice. As most of y'all will know, the second week of One80 is the annual sleepover. As per already mentioned by.....umm....ya'know, that guy.....Mike! That's his name! There will be a red faces/talent show for all willing to get up and remove whatever shred of dignity they have left (Charnstar is going for the all-time record aren't ya dude?) by performing a skit, a song or any other item for the good folks at One80. But there are rules. *Drum Roll* Aaaaaaand heeeeere they are!
1. Nothing suss, dodgy, offensive, dirty, rude, crude or otherwise yucky may be performed. Make it suitable for our mothers and grandmothers to watch. We don't wanna have to pull the plug on people for being unnecessarily (spelling correction please Supersam?) rude.
2. No more than 3 entries per person or group. Submit your 3 entries via commenting on this post and/or getting it in writing to Ryan or I before the Monday before the sleepover. If on the night there is excess time, you may possibly be allowed to perform unscheduled skits, but I cannot say for sure.
3. No posing as somebody else to nominate them for something they don't want to do/are unaware of doing. We don't want to be buggin' poor Billy to burp the alphabet when it was just a fake nomination by "Joe Bloggs".
4. Keep your act tight, on track and to plan as much as possible. No excessive mucking around and stuff. We understand you may forget lines, get stage fright etc etc, but try and rehearse and perfect it as much as humanely, sanely and insanely possible. A time limit of no more than 5 minutes applies, so keep to it, lest we SMITE YOU DOWN!!!
5. Anybody can enter: leaders or students. The more the merrier. Also, there may be prizes. Once again I am unsure. Sorry!
6. Please only comment on this post to nominate yourself, no random blah blah blah, thats what MSN is for. Or the other threads. In nominating, name yourself and any others involved in your skits, the approximate time length of each one, and what kind of skit it is, eg. song, dance, performance etc. Skits may be serious or funny, or even both! Be creative! Ryan or I will contact you later to learn what you propose to do in your skit, don't post it here unless otherwise notified - don't wanna spoil the surprise!
I think that's all, but come back every now and then to see if any of my numerous unsureties have been remedied.
God bless y'all,
-This post has now had it's spelling corrected. Thank-you Supersam!-
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Term 3 Preview
We'll be playing clips from these cds, and afew others; as well as other clips that we get from other, completely legal, sources.
Most of the cds pictured here can be purchased at Word or Koorong. If you wnna know more, google search the bands or ask me or Sean.
Comment now on what your listening to, what you wanna hear more and less of, and just anything in general.