Ever wished you could hang around at one80 all night?!
Well, for one night a year, you can!
(afew years ago we had two, and the second was at my house...ah, good times...but don't ask about tha it happening this year though cos I dunno nothin...NO MORE QUESTIONS!)
Oh yeah, the "sleepout" is on this Friday. Personally, i like Harry's new name for it- the Stayover!
It's gunn be sweet!
Red Faces is on early in the night, and I can tell you, it is an excellent lineup of acts!
Yes there is other stuff throughout the night- movies on the big screen, ps2 and xbox, funny clips, food, friends, music- and they're running all night!
I can't confirm the movies yet, but Mike will give me the full details soon hopefully.
Anway, cyas on Friday!