It's the Ponyboy here, bringing you a quick update and notice. As most of y'all will know, the second week of One80 is the annual sleepover. As per already mentioned by.....umm....ya'know, that guy.....Mike! That's his name! There will be a red faces/talent show for all willing to get up and remove whatever shred of dignity they have left (Charnstar is going for the all-time record aren't ya dude?) by performing a skit, a song or any other item for the good folks at One80. But there are rules. *Drum Roll* Aaaaaaand heeeeere they are!
1. Nothing suss, dodgy, offensive, dirty, rude, crude or otherwise yucky may be performed. Make it suitable for our mothers and grandmothers to watch. We don't wanna have to pull the plug on people for being unnecessarily (spelling correction please Supersam?) rude.
2. No more than 3 entries per person or group. Submit your 3 entries via commenting on this post and/or getting it in writing to Ryan or I before the Monday before the sleepover. If on the night there is excess time, you may possibly be allowed to perform unscheduled skits, but I cannot say for sure.
3. No posing as somebody else to nominate them for something they don't want to do/are unaware of doing. We don't want to be buggin' poor Billy to burp the alphabet when it was just a fake nomination by "Joe Bloggs".
4. Keep your act tight, on track and to plan as much as possible. No excessive mucking around and stuff. We understand you may forget lines, get stage fright etc etc, but try and rehearse and perfect it as much as humanely, sanely and insanely possible. A time limit of no more than 5 minutes applies, so keep to it, lest we SMITE YOU DOWN!!!
5. Anybody can enter: leaders or students. The more the merrier. Also, there may be prizes. Once again I am unsure. Sorry!
6. Please only comment on this post to nominate yourself, no random blah blah blah, thats what MSN is for. Or the other threads. In nominating, name yourself and any others involved in your skits, the approximate time length of each one, and what kind of skit it is, eg. song, dance, performance etc. Skits may be serious or funny, or even both! Be creative! Ryan or I will contact you later to learn what you propose to do in your skit, don't post it here unless otherwise notified - don't wanna spoil the surprise!
I think that's all, but come back every now and then to see if any of my numerous unsureties have been remedied.
God bless y'all,
-This post has now had it's spelling corrected. Thank-you Supersam!-