Thursday, March 02, 2006

Jam night update

Yeah it's the jam night, bring ya gear if ya playin. If something...there's ps and xbox, cooking, and just general hangin out eh. Night is free but canteen and tear tin will be open and stickers will be on sale and I think screen printing will be going. Runs usual time, 7.30pm- 10pm at VACC of course. If you were given music, then be ready to start playing at 8pm, be on time so we can set up and get started. If you weren't, but you just wanna jam, bring ya gear and hang in the annex and rock out there (the room could change) and after the important stuff is finished the stage will be open f9or everyone to play together.

Big note eh: If you wish to make a comment in memory of Raymond, on Ray's post, then please do asap, and please use your real name guys, just choose 'other' and type in your name, and if you need a website and can't think of one, Commenting on that post will CLOSE after next Friday.

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